Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Irrationally Common

“We need an international institution to regulate…” “A global committee should be formed for…” These are everyday responses to common international issues. Everyone is always claiming the need for global integration, worldwide institutions, and the like. I have but one inquiry to this – why? No, but really, why? Why do academics, the political Frankenstein, and influential minds always come crying and begging to the feet of globalization? As if yet another slow, underfunded, and illegitimate global organization is the answer. Pardon my French, but there is not one damn ounce of rationale behind this incessant claim. Are there true global standards and principles, and if so, by who’s standard? Supranational social standards assume that worldwide consensuses can be reached on particular “moral” and “ethical” regulations. A “common good” never encompasses everyone. With every social, political, and economic edict or action, someone somewhere is going to get marginalized or thrown to the curb. It truly is impossible to please everyone, whether you let them be – a free, individualist society – or assist them in their every life need – the Marxist state – there is always going to be someone to complain or not receive positive effects from the current condition. So, from this we can draw three conclusions: 1) it impossible to eliminate marginalization, every action is going to affect at least someone negatively; 2) there is not a true, or calculable, common good, since marginalization is inevitable; 3) ideologies that pursue a common good have logically unreachable goals.

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