Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lady Gaga Land

As we all know, Lady Gaga has incredible control over the masses through her pop culture identity. Therefore, if Lady Gaga were a state, it would most definitely be a dictatorship. Her propaganda would consist of the nonsensical lyrics and the ridiculously catchy beats to her songs that would convince her citizens that their state is utopia.

The fact that Lady Gaga Land (in reference to the hypothetical state) is a dictatorship does not mean that it would be a bad place. On the contrary, it would be one of the most socially liberal nations in the world. Lady Gaga’s tendency to disregard social norms through her mannerisms and clothing choices demonstrates her belief that originality is a good thing. Therefore, the mere idea of social norms (including gender roles) would be eliminated, which, according to constructivists, keep stability alive. Furthermore, her blatantly sexual image would allow all things that are socially taboo, a part of normalcy. Most importantly, Lady Gaga land would have better civil rights than the current United States. She would uphold equal rights for absolutely every group in existence because there is no sense of “different” to discriminate against. These examples are all in reference to the internal social system that would be in place.

As to the international stage, Lady Gaga Land would make decisions based on its own self-interest because the prosperity of the state is the ultimate goal. It is important to note that the state would be almost anti-constructivist because the international institutions that achieve “governance without government” would not be of importance to Lady Gaga Land, as explained above (PTJ). Lady Gaga Land would end up being more realist than anything else, merely because (1) it’s not a democracy (liberalism) and (2) norms are nonexistent (constructivism). Lady Gaga land would deliberately breach protocol in important international meetings and thus would not have good relations with other countries. Therefore, the international structure would resemble that of the Cold War Era. Specifically this means that countries would be constantly on edge and wary of Lady Gaga Land because of its radical behavior.

Ultimately, Lady Gaga Land would create a fragile international system despite its benefits as a socially progressive nation.


  1. You mentioned that, "Furthermore, her blatantly sexual image would allow all things that are socially taboo, a part of normalcy." To expand on that idea, do you think that the concept of exceptionalism would come into play? I would imagine so, because once she gets it into her mind that she is capable of portraying this image, she won't stop. When she cannot stop, she will begin assume the position of being 'supreme.' Because she is the only nation that can break this taboo and get away with it, it is only natural for it to go to her head. As Lady Gaga herself and the general populace assume exceptionalism, perhaps the state of Gaga might become more isolated? Just a thought...

  2. The concept of "Gagaland" being a dictatorship is absolutely perfect. Your projection of the hypothetical propaganda machine and the boundless social freedom would most certainly generate an image of a utopia. In short, Lady Gaga would be the ideal benevolent dictator - let the people live as they please, so long as they do not question State authority. Although, Lady Gaga would essentially BE the State, the State would be a mental organ of her being. Once she would die, so would the State.

  3. I think that this is a very interesting take on the prompt. I guess it hadn’t really crossed my mind that the state of Gaga would be a dictatorship, but after reading your blog, it makes sense. I would argue that Gaga wouldn’t necessarily have to be the leader of this nation and that if the ideals that Gaga promotes (originality, acceptance, etc.) were strong enough in the community at large, that it could survive without her as supreme leader. That being said, once she was gone the community may continue to hold her in such high esteem that the nation would continue to run as if she were still alive.
