Somewhere beyond the sea… is where the goal stands, soaring high above the clouds. We searched for it extensively and valiantly; seeking to find the true, all encompassing solution to the ever so menacing chalice of global issues. This seminar of great minds and daring intellectuals presented a wonderful opportunity for both me and my comrades. We discussed a multitude of concepts and heated topics that catered to the development of varying explorations into diplomacy, war, and state authority. Often times the seminar found itself leaving the session more questions and inquiries than when they arrived, but on several occasions we discovered enlightening facets of our personal opinions – and it was on days like these that I remembered why I was here at this university.
I am extremely honored to be a member of the Letts Six South community and Professor Jackson’s World Politics seminar. It was a wonderful experience and I feel that we all discovered interesting new concepts and experienced intellectual growth. Perhaps, even, I can isolate one particular discovery of mine? I can now firmly state my faith in the power of national sovereignty when back by popular support. A united populace, welded solid by national pride is an unstoppable force. Power through Solidarity, Solidarity through Pride. The world is kept secure and stable by strong nation-state competition… Realism, a concept from my own heart.
Ah, Christian. It is interesting to see how we can both take the same class and come out with very differing points of view. Not to stab your "heart," but I find realism to be an outdated and poorly effective method for international relations. Do you see no value in diplomacy and cooperation? Wat about contracts and committees that can be mutually beneficial? And do you not think that the constructivist means of looking at identities can also be very valuable?