Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's Only Natural

In the realm of debate involving the discussion of the current global order, there are two types of individuals. There are globalists, and there are nationalists. These two groups represent the dominate viewpoints on the condition of the world, and how they believe it should be. Modern globalists espouse a doctrine that claws at the natural progress human society has taken, promoting the abolition of national borders and developing a regulated global market where, they claim, justice will be upheld by an international government. Nationalists, on the other hand, promote the opposite. They support the current system of sovereign nation-states interacting in the global free market seeking the benefit of their domestic populations, and, as Adam Smith clearly explains in his revolutionary work The Wealth of Nations, providing for the overall wellbeing of humankind through the pursuit of self-interest, or in this case national interest.

This debate is a common one. It is discussed daily on media networks across the globe, in the halls of national legislative bodies, in the United Nations, and in everyday households. Globalists and nationalists of all ethnicities, social classes, political affiliations, and religions say they hold the key to a better human condition, and each one claims the other to be the main obstacle to their movement. Which movement is correct? That is not an easy question to answer. The proper question to ask is, which one is more likely to prevail? It is obvious that national governments are not going to lay down their arms and come clamoring to the ideal of universal human unity, and multi-national corporations are not simply going to abandon their tax havens and profit-based business models for the common good of mankind. The globalist ideal is simply not a natural one. All humans are selfish, as are nations. The nation-state evolved naturally, and it will naturally remain by protecting its existence.

Nation-states are living beings, and their life-blood is the ambition of their citizens - each citizen pursuing his or her rational self-interest and interacting through domestic markets. So long as humans are on this earth, sovereign nation-states will exist. No “global governing institution” is going to abolish human instincts, and until you can override the natural mindset of the individual, you cannot override the natural existence of the nation-state.

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